Boosts FAQ


Applies the boost to the whole account, to every NFT that is in staking.


Applies to an individual Kong that is currently in staking.

Both system and individual level can be applied simultaneously

All boosts example:

35 Alpha Kongs in staking, among those 16 furs NFTs and some Legendary and Ultra Rare ones.

Apply boosts all at the same time:

  1. Whale boost (system level) to 35 NFTs

  2. Furtastic boost (system level) for 16 furs NFTs (for all Alpha Kongs now)

  3. Legendary & Ultra Rare boosts (on individual level)

Paid Boost example:

You can buy 5 boosts every 15 days. So when you bought two boosts on the first day, they work for 7 days, but you have to wait until they are unlocked again in 15 days from when you first bought them. We do not count how many days your NFT stayed in boost. It's 7 days by default. So you bought the third boost a day later - it will be possible to buy it again in 15 days from activation. Same goes for 4th and 5th boost. Just need to wait 15 days after buying each of them to be able to buy them again, one by one.

Last updated